Saturday, January 16, 2010

Set For Life Lottery What Would You Do If You Hit The Lottery Of Set For Life?

What would you do if you hit the lottery of set for life? - set for life lottery

Get a life, the happiness found


Jay said...

I would like to pay my student loans, buy a house, pay my parents' debt to pay for my wedding, buying tons of things for my class, and giving money to people who really need it.

Cuddly Lez said...

I pull at my age 21 and live for ever and ever to work.

coolio said...

Get your self a new car, house and a flat screen TV.

coolio said...

Get your self a new car, house and a flat screen TV.

Sailon said...

The first thing I would do would be to the Winning Ticket placed in a safe in a safe place.
So next I spent a week or two things to consider carefully how the people I help financially, Mabey, not all at once, but eventially. Like the things that I am now with a fantastic deal for me.
And then I make a certain amount of a fund that safety could be assured to go, there is always something more about the need for future leave.
Of course, there would be no fun, "Mad Money" just for fun.

By organizing everything for me, before you know that I contribute that to take my decisions on the direction. If people know that the advice and opinions can cloud my judgments.

The last thing I want before it appears on your ticket or LLC, a new company would be based on the Pres of Co.and the company to do the winner.
In this way, IDo not apply to persons and from all nonsense, bombing followed by public announcements.

(Jazzle... said...

I want to buy a house for my mother, my brother, a car with my family a little, give a charitable purpose or program, and last but not least give 10% of my father, who as a god.

ny said...

I have what I want or need badly.

♥They call me mom♥ said...

I would use to pay most for the school. I Finished my studies in nursing. I want to make money for each of my children go to university. I want to buy a house and a lot of "fun" things. And now I begin my man

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